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#!/usr/bin/python # # Python client for checking periodically for posted actions # on the Red Hat Satellite servers. # # Copyright (c) 2000--2012 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 # along with this software; if not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. # # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated # in this software or its documentation. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the # OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each # individual source file, and distribute linked combinations # including the two. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects # for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify # file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you # do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your # version. If you delete this exception statement from all source # files in the program, then also delete it here. import base64 import libxml2 import os import sys import socket import gettext t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback=True) _ = t.ugettext from OpenSSL import SSL sys.path.append("/usr/share/rhn/") from up2date_client import getMethod from up2date_client import up2dateErrors from up2date_client import up2dateAuth from up2date_client import up2dateLog from up2date_client import rpcServer from up2date_client import config from up2date_client import clientCaps from up2date_client import capabilities from up2date_client import rhncli, rhnserver from up2date_client import rhnreg from rhn import rhnLockfile import xmlrpclib cfg = config.initUp2dateConfig() log = up2dateLog.initLog() # action version we understand ACTION_VERSION = 2 # lock file to check if we're disabled at the server's request DISABLE_FILE = "/etc/sysconfig/rhn/disable" # Actions that will run each time we execute. LOCAL_ACTIONS = [("packages.checkNeedUpdate", ("rhnsd=1",))] class CheckCli(rhncli.RhnCli): def __init__(self): super(CheckCli, self).__init__() self.rhns_ca_cert = cfg['sslCACert'] self.server = None def main(self): """ Process all the actions we have in the queue. """ CheckCli.__check_instance_lock() CheckCli.__check_rhn_disabled() CheckCli.__check_has_system_id() self.server = CheckCli.__get_server() CheckCli.__update_system_id() self.__run_remote_actions() CheckCli.__run_local_actions() s = rhnserver.RhnServer() if s.capabilities.hasCapability('staging_content', 1) and cfg['stagingContent'] != 0: self.__check_future_actions() sys.exit(0) def __get_action(self, status_report): try: action = self.server.queue.get(up2dateAuth.getSystemId(), ACTION_VERSION, status_report) return action except xmlrpclib.Fault, f: if f.faultCode == -31: raise up2dateErrors.InsuffMgmntEntsError(f.faultString), None, sys.exc_info()[2] else: print "Could not retrieve action item from server %s" % self.server print "Error code: %d%s" % (f.faultCode, f.faultString) sys.exit(-1) # XXX: what if no SSL in socket? except socket.sslerror: print "ERROR: SSL handshake to %s failed" % self.server print """ This could signal that you are *NOT* talking to a server whose certificate was signed by a Certificate Authority listed in the %s file or that the RHNS-CA-CERT file is invalid.""" % self.rhns_ca_cert sys.exit(-1) except socket.error: print "Could not retrieve action from %s.\n"\ "Possible networking problem?" % str(self.server) sys.exit(-1) except up2dateErrors.ServerCapabilityError, e: print e sys.exit(1) except SSL.Error, e: print "ERROR: SSL errors detected" print "%s" % e sys.exit(-1) def __query_future_actions(self, time_window): try: actions = self.server.queue.get_future_actions(up2dateAuth.getSystemId(), time_window) return actions except xmlrpclib.Fault, f: if f.faultCode == -31: raise up2dateErrors.InsuffMgmntEntsError(f.faultString), None, sys.exc_info()[2] else: print "Could not retrieve action item from server %s" % self.server print "Error code: %d%s" % (f.faultCode, f.faultString) sys.exit(-1) # XXX: what if no SSL in socket? except socket.sslerror: print "ERROR: SSL handshake to %s failed" % self.server print """ This could signal that you are *NOT* talking to a server whose certificate was signed by a Certificate Authority listed in the %s file or that the RHNS-CA-CERT file is invalid.""" % self.rhns_ca_cert sys.exit(-1) except socket.error: print "Could not retrieve action from %s.\n"\ "Possible networking problem?" % str(self.server) sys.exit(-1) except up2dateErrors.ServerCapabilityError, e: print e sys.exit(1) except SSL.Error, e: print "ERROR: SSL errors detected" print "%s" % e sys.exit(-1) def __fetch_future_action(self, action): """ Fetch one specific action from rhnParent """ # TODO pass def __check_future_actions(self): """ Retrieve scheduled actions and cache them if possible """ time_window = cfg['stagingContentWindow'] or 24; actions = self.__query_future_actions(time_window) for action in actions: self.handle_action(action, cache_only=1) def __run_remote_actions(self): # the list of caps the client needs caps = capabilities.Capabilities() status_report = CheckCli.__build_status_report() action = self.__get_action(status_report) while action != "" and action != {}: self.__verify_server_capabilities(caps) if self.is_valid_action(action): try: up2dateAuth.updateLoginInfo() except up2dateErrors.ServerCapabilityError, e: print e sys.exit(1) self.handle_action(action) action = self.__get_action(status_report) def __verify_server_capabilities(self, caps): response_headers = self.server.get_response_headers() caps.populate(response_headers) # do we actually want to validte here? try: caps.validate() except up2dateErrors.ServerCapabilityError, e: print e sys.exit(1) def __parse_action_data(self, action): """ Parse action data and returns (method, params) """ data = action['action'] parser, decoder = xmlrpclib.getparser() parser.feed(data.encode("utf-8")) parser.close() params = decoder.close() method = decoder.getmethodname() return (method, params) def submit_response(self, action_id, status, message, data): """ Submit a response for an action_id. """ # get a new server object with fresh headers self.server = CheckCli.__get_server() try: ret = self.server.queue.submit(up2dateAuth.getSystemId(), action_id, status, message, data) except xmlrpclib.Fault, f: print "Could not submit results to server %s" % self.server print "Error code: %d%s" % (f.faultCode, f.faultString) sys.exit(-1) # XXX: what if no SSL in socket? except socket.sslerror: print "ERROR: SSL handshake to %s failed" % self.server print """ This could signal that you are *NOT* talking to a server whose certificate was signed by a Certificate Authority listed in the %s file or that the RHNS-CA-CERT file is invalid.""" % self.rhns_ca_cert sys.exit(-1) except socket.error: print "Could not submit to %s.\n"\ "Possible networking problem?" % str(self.server) sys.exit(-1) return ret def handle_action(self, action, cache_only=None): """ Wrapper handler for the action we're asked to do. """ log.log_debug("handle_action", action) log.log_debug("handle_action actionid = %s, version = %s" % ( action['id'], action['version'])) data = {} action_lock = '/var/lib/up2date/action.%s' % str(action['id']) if os.path.exists(action_lock): ret = 255 if not cache_only: if os.path.getsize(action_lock) > 0: data['base64enc'] = 1 data['return_code'] = 255 data['process_start'] = '1970-01-01 00:00:00' # dummy values as we have no idea of start data['process_end'] = '1970-01-01 00:00:00' # and especially about the end with open(action_lock) as f: data['output'] = base64.encodestring(f.read()) log.log_debug("Sending back response", (255, "Previous run of action didn't completed sucessfully, aborting.", data)) ret = self.submit_response(action['id'], 255, "Previous run of action didn't completed sucessfully, aborting.", data) os.remove(action_lock) return ret open(action_lock, 'a').close() (method, params) = self.__parse_action_data(action) (status, message, data) = CheckCli.__run_action(method, params, {'cache_only': cache_only}) ret = 0 if not cache_only: log.log_debug("Sending back response", (status, message, data)) ret = self.submit_response(action['id'], status, message, data) os.remove(action_lock) return ret def is_valid_action(self, action): log.log_debug("check_action", action) # be very paranoid of what we get back if type(action) != type({}): print "Got unparseable action response from server" sys.exit(-1) for key in ['id', 'version', 'action']: if not action.has_key(key): print "Got invalid response - missing '%s'" % key sys.exit(-1) try: ver = int(action['version']) except ValueError: ver = -1 if ver > ACTION_VERSION or ver < 0: print "Got unknown action version %d" % ver print action # the -99 here is kind of magic self.submit_response(action["id"], xmlrpclib.Fault(-99, "Can not handle this version")) return False return True @staticmethod def __get_server(): """ Initialize a server connection and set up capability info. """ server = rpcServer.getServer() # load the new client caps if they exist clientCaps.loadLocalCaps() headerlist = clientCaps.caps.headerFormat() for (headerName, value) in headerlist: server.add_header(headerName, value) return server @staticmethod def __update_system_id(): try: up2dateAuth.maybeUpdateVersion() system_id = rhnreg.extract_system_id() system_id_file_content = up2dateAuth.getSystemId() # update rollout items rhnreg.prepareGradualRolloutCertsIfNeeded(system_id) # update JWT token rhnreg.getAndWriteJWTTokenToFile(system_id_file_content) except up2dateErrors.CommunicationError, e: print e sys.exit(1) @staticmethod def __build_status_report(): status_report = {} status_report["uname"] = os.uname() if os.access("/proc/uptime", os.R_OK): uptime = open("/proc/uptime", "r").read().split() try: status_report["uptime"] = map(int, map(float, uptime)) except (TypeError, ValueError): status_report["uptime"] = map(lambda a: a[:-3], uptime) except: pass # We need to fit into xmlrpc's integer limits # see BZ 1378903 if status_report['uptime'][1] > 2L**31-1: status_report['uptime'][1] = -1 # CloudLinux statistics try: import clcommon.cldetect clcommon.cldetect.add_server_stats(status_report) except: pass return status_report @staticmethod def __run_local_actions(): """ Hit any actions that we want to always run. If we want to run any actions everytime rhnsd runs rhn_check, we can add them to the list LOCAL_ACTIONS """ for method_params in LOCAL_ACTIONS: method = method_params[0] params = method_params[1] (status, message, data) = CheckCli.__run_action(method, params) log.log_debug("local action status: ", (status, message, data)) @staticmethod def __do_call(method, params, kwargs={}): log.log_debug("do_call ", method, params, kwargs) method = getMethod.getMethod(method, "/usr/share/rhn/", "actions") retval = method(*params, **kwargs) return retval @staticmethod def __run_action(method, params, kwargs={}): try: (status, message, data) = CheckCli.__do_call(method, params, kwargs) except getMethod.GetMethodException: log.log_debug("Attempt to call an unsupported action ", method, params) status = 6 message = "Invalid function call attempted" data = {} except: log.log_exception(*sys.exc_info()) # The action code failed in some way. let's let the server know. status = 6, message = "Fatal error in Python code occurred" data = {} return (status, message, data) @staticmethod def __check_rhn_disabled(): """ If we're disabled, go down (almost) quietly. """ if os.path.exists(DISABLE_FILE): print "RHN service is disabled. Check %s" % DISABLE_FILE sys.exit(0) @staticmethod def __check_has_system_id(): """ Retrieve the system_id. This is required. """ if not up2dateAuth.getSystemId(): print "ERROR: unable to read system id." sys.exit(-1) @staticmethod def __check_instance_lock(): lock = None try: lock = rhnLockfile.Lockfile('/var/run/rhn_check.pid') except rhnLockfile.LockfileLockedException, e: sys.stderr.write(rhncli.utf8_encode(_("Attempting to run more than one instance of rhn_check. Exiting.\n"))) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": cli = CheckCli() cli.run()